Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

  1. JAC TOP
  2. Sustainability
  3. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

With offices in 11 countries, JAC Group respects diversity and different values, including nationality, race, age, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, religion, and belief, and provides fair opportunities and an environment appropriate to individual circumstances.

“Diversity, Equity & Inclusion” is an essential value for us and "Fairness" a core part of our Philosophy & Policy. The Group is committed to creating a workplace where more professionals can flourish in their own way in a more open environment.

By introducing a diverse workforce to our clients, we will actively contribute to the creation of a society in which a wide range of professionals can thrive.

Adding Equity - Evolving to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

To promote Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, we established the JAC Group Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Steering Committee in June 2021, under which the Women Empowerment Committee and the LGBTQ+ Committee have been working.

In addition to 'Diversity', where a diverse workforce can exist without discrimination, and 'Inclusion', where everyone feels welcome and secure and united, from 2024 the perspective of 'Equity' has also been included, and the name of the committee has been changed to 'JAC Group Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Steering Committee”. We will further increase our efforts to provide an environment and opportunities for everyone to play an active role.

To date, we have been promoting awareness-raising activities on unconscious bias in the workplace and various initiatives to ensure that the workplace is a place where all employees can work on equal terms. In addition to promoting awareness and utilisation of current internal systems, we will also work on reviewing them and formulating new ones.To date, we have been promoting awareness-raising activities on unconscious bias in the workplace and various initiatives to ensure that the workplace is a place where all employees can work on equal terms. In addition to promoting awareness and utilisation of current internal systems, we will also work on reviewing them and formulating new ones.

JAC Group DE&I Promotion System Chart

Empowering women

At 39.7%, the proportion of female employees in our company is above the national average. As a whole the Group has 46% (at the end of 2022). On the other hand, the proportion of women in management positions is at 21.0%, and we are implementing various initiatives with the aim of raising this to 40% by 2025.

Percentage of female employees 40%、percentage of female managers 25%

Childcare support system

Since 2007 we have implemented our Employee Childcare Support Project, in order to contribute to measures aimed at tackling the declining birthrate in Japan and allow employees with children to balance work and childcare while continuing to build a career.
A childcare allowance of up to 100,000 yen/month (up to 9 months old) – 30,000 yen/month (from the first to the third year of primary school) per child is provided to employees with children, so that they can return to work early without taking a career break.

Efforts to hire people with disabilities*

The JAC WakuHapi Farm

We promote the employment of people with disabilities to create a workplace where everyone can flourish (as of April 2023, we employ at 115% of the legally mandated employment rate for persons with disabilities). As one such initiative, employees with disabilities are working at farms in Ichihara City and Kashiwa City in Chiba Prefecture as well as in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture. Harvested produce is regularly purchased by our employees through internal on-the-spot sales, sharing the success of people with disabilities and the joy of harvest.
* JAC Recruitment

JAC Group Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Steering Committee

In 2021 we established two committees, the “Women Empowerment Committee” and the “LGBTQ+ Committee”. The following is an introduction to their respective initiatives and achievements.

Women Empowerment Committee

To realise an organisation where individual strengths and abilities can be demonstrated regardless of gender, we believe that the gender ratio in management positions should be equal to the ratio of all employees. To foster new ideas and generate innovation, it is necessary to have a diverse organisation in which female employees with management aptitude, motivation and potential can vividly demonstrate their strengths. To this end, we are promoting initiatives to confront unconscious bias in the workplace and increase psychological workplace safety.

Initiatives up to 2023

The following initiatives were mainly implemented in the two teams of “Life & Career” and “Unconscious Bias” in 2021-2022, and in the three teams of “Promotion”, “Recruitment” and “Awareness-raising” in 2023.

• Conducting an Unconscious Bias Survey
• Implementation of training for managers
• Selection of manager candidates and their training within each divisional operation
• Conduct briefing sessions for female managerial candidates
• Holding meetings (JAC Women's Empowerment Salon) to exchange information with other companies on creating a comfortable working environment for women
• Running a system for female leaders and manager candidates
• Organisation of internal events such as round-table discussions and social events with the Chairman and CEO and female managers

As a result of promoting the creation of an organisational culture in which female employees can positively take on various challenges, including careers as managers, while respecting their personal values and maintaining a balance between life and career, the percentage of female 'leaders' who are candidates for manager positions increased from 27.3% (as of 2023) to 31.9% (as of January 2024).

These efforts were also recognised externally, and JAC Recruitment was awarded 31st place in the corporate ranking out of approximately 1,900 eligible companies in the Women Awards 2023 organised by Forbes Japan, the Japanese edition of Forbes.

Initiatives for 2024

The following initiatives will be carried out by five teams: “Team 1: Recruitment”, “Team 2: Awareness-raising and development”, “Team 3: Retention”, “Team 4: Recognition improvement” and “Team 5: Systems”, to achieve the target of 40% female managers by 2025.

Team 1: Recruitment Take initiatives to increase the proportion of female employees, to ensure that internal systems, evaluations, and operations do not need to be defined by 'gender'.

Team 2: Awareness-rising Establish a mechanism to increase the number of potential female leaders and managers, operate a mentoring system, and organise events such as roundtable discussions and social events with female managers.

Team 3: Retention Provide follow-up on life events and develop an environment where female employees can discuss their concerns more easily, so that they can continue to build their careers even after their promotion.

Team 4: Recognition improvement To connect with people working on DE&I beyond the boundaries of the company and contribute to the realisation of gender equality in society as a whole, several efforts will be made to raise awareness by holding meetings (JAC Women's Empowerment Salon) to share information with other companies and by communicating the activities of the DE&I Committee both internally and externally.

Team 5: Systems Measures will be taken to inform employees about the company's childcare and other support schemes to promote their use and improve these schemes. The team also operates the Working Parents Committee, which promotes the exchange of information among employees raising children and the taking of maternity leave by male employees, to create a working environment where employees, including women, can be active for a long time while aiming to take on challenges and improve their skills in their careers.

LGBTQ+ Committee

Aims to increase the understanding of LGBTQ+ among Group employees and to create a working environment where all employees, regardless of their gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, can be equal and be themselves. We believe that this will enable us to utilise the different opinions and ideas of our diverse employees and create innovative power. We will also contribute to increasing the diversity of society through recruitment by consultants with an understanding of diversity.

Initiatives up to 2023

From 2021 when activities were launched through to 2023, the following initiatives were mainly implemented to raise awareness and promote the correct understanding of LGBTQ+ within the Group.

• Conducting biannual internal awareness surveys
• Implementation of training for directors, managers and employees
• Distribution of Ally stickers to those who wish to express their Ally status
• Conducting opinion exchange meetings with LGBTQ+ sections of other companies.
• Prepared 'Support Tips for LGBTQ+ registrants' as an internal document and disseminated it to employees.
• Participated in Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2023.
• Announced its support for Business for Marriage Equality, which promotes marriage equality (legalisation of same-sex marriage) in Japan.

As a result of the above initiatives, the number of employees within the company who know the meaning of the word 'Ally' increased from 21.1% (as of October 2021) to 88.6% (as of June 2023).

In addition, our proactive initiatives were also recognised from outside the company, and we received the highest rating of “Gold” in the “PRIDE Index 2023”, an evaluation index for LGBTQ+ and other sexual minority initiatives formulated by the voluntary organisation “work with Pride”, for the second year in a row from 2022.

Initiatives for 2024

In 2024, we set the goal of 'deepening understanding of LGBTQ+ within our and creating a workplace environment where everyone can work as they are', aiming to create a workplace free from discrimination and harassment, and to increase the number of people expressing themselves as Ally.

As well as continuing the efforts to date, we will implement initiatives to promote social diversity through our business, such as holding joint events with companies and NPOs working on DE&I, participating in Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2024, as we did last year, and providing support to LGBTQ+ candidates.