Features and strengths of JAC

  1. JAC TOP
  2. Our Business
  3. Features and strengths of JAC

Specialising in career change and recruitment support for managerial, executive and specialist positions

JAC Recruitment provides recruitment services specialising in managerial, executive (board members and leaders) and specialist positions involved in international operations such as overseas expansion.
JAC International's consultants are international or bilingual, meeting the needs of foreign executives and human resource managers who wish to recruit bilingual professionals.
JAC Recruitment and JAC International have gained a high level of trust as a company that can meet the needs of Japanese and foreign-owned companies in Japan for management and executive professionals.

Strength in support for global and overseas positions

As Japanese companies accelerate their global expansion, we put a focus on “international operations” which deal with global talent engaged in overseas operations and the services for foreign-owned companies. Our international operations account for more than 50% of our business, establishing an overwhelming market share in the industry.

Moreover, by utilising the strong network of our group company JAC Recruitment International Ltd which manages JAC Recruitment in 10 countries, we can provide information and advice on human resource management to Japanese companies expanding overseas and support their overseas recruitment process.

Providing high-quality “360 style” services

JAC Recruitment is based on the “360 style” business model where each consultant is responsible for both companies and candidates. This model allows us to have a deep understanding of each party’s needs and provide highly satisfying services for both, unlike the “division-of-labour” business model.
We have approximately 1,000 professional consultants, which makes us the most staffed "360 style" recruitment company in Japan.(※)
※Company research. As of Apr 2023

"360 style" business model (JAC)

Two-sided model (our company)

Division-of-labour model

Division-of-labour model